
Timothy Swischuk Might be Making America’s Most Interesting Sandwiches
Disclaimer: This food review is blatantly partisan; the writer is acquainted with the owner/chef of the restaurant under discussion and is a good friend of one of his chief providers of organic produce. That being said, the reviewer is NOT receiving any sort of kick back for his troubles…thus far,

The Pig’s Ear: Are the Dubs keeping it a secret?
In America we seem to celebritize everything. So, there’s no shock that good food became the latest trend a few years ago. Now, good food can be found around every corner. It’s also no surprise that we’ve turned our chefs into celebrities. Whenever we see them at book

$2 Organic Ice Cream Cone Day at Three Twins Ice Cream!
All you San Francisco ice cream lovers – this one is for you. Today at Three Twins Ice Cream in the Lower Haight all scoops of organic ice cream are only two bucks! Who knew such a thing as reasonably healthy and damn cheap ice cream existed? Here are a

Be Part of SF's Next Carrotmob at Matching Half Cafe on Saturday
I’m not usually the biggest carrot fan. They’re okay raw, I guess, but in anything else, like soups or casseroles or cake, I’m not into it. What I AM a fan of, though, are Carrotmobs. A Carrotmob, according to, is “a network of consumers who buy products in order

$1 Ice Cream Cones at Three Twins on Saturday!
There’s nothing better than ice cream. Wait, I take that back. There’s nothing better than organic ice cream. You know, good for the earth and the animals and all that shit. BUT wait again. There’s nothing better than CHEAP, organic ice cream. Good thing Three Twins is turning one this

San Francisco's Alemany Farm
Living in a city can sometimes get a little claustrophobic, and when that happens the best thing to do is go to the country and get your hands dirty (and I mean in some real soil, not Muni bus stop grime). Since “going to the country” is easier said than

The Arctic vs. The Bay: The 2009 Eat Real Festival
I just got back from Alaska, which to me, a liberal, vegan, and judgmental Californian, appeared to be a backwards, behind-the-times, redneck state with stunningly gorgeous views and impressive wilderness. Against this lush, green backdrop, the food situation was unforgivable. Health food stores were few and far-between and restaurants were