
A Huge List of Bar Trivia Nights in San Francisco (And Oakland and Berkeley Too!)
Image Courtesy of Brainstormer Trivia is exactly what its name tells you: the trivial gunk knowledge that clogs up the important, higher functioning regions of your brain. And unless you’re the one percent of brain gunk retainers, you can’t put any of that to use on a game show. (Unless

BART'S "Secret Word of the Day" Week
BART apparently is trying real hard to let the lads know she’s single and ready to mingle. Try BART Week starts Monday (today!) to entice people to think about trying BART. (Really, are there people who have lived here for an extended period of time who have been able to

Slow and Steady Wins the Dance Contest
Are you slow? I’m not talking in terms of intelligence or wit (you know you’re the funniest, smartest, lady/dood in the Mississippi), but actual, physical speed. Were you always the slow one in gym class? Does the idea of running, jogging, or moving at a velocity much faster than that