
93% Support Indoor Vaccine Requirement In New Chronicle Poll

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Image: @dnalounge via Twitter

San Francisco still has not imposed a policy of making proof of vaccination mandatory in indoor settings, as New York City has done. But plenty of Bay Area bars and restaurants are stepping up and instituting their own mandatory vaccine policies anyway. And if Mayor London Breed and the SF DPH need any advice on whether an indoor vaccine mandate would be “too controversial,” here’s something for them to take into account — according to a San Francisco Chronicle poll that’s still online and taking votes, 93% of respondents say they would “support a vaccine mandate for indoor restaurants, gyms, and other venues.”


We should consider that this is an online poll, and online polls do have reliability issues. In this case, someone with multiple emails could vote multiple times. Moreover, the Chronicle is clearly just running an email harvesting scheme here, collecting emails and hoping to sign up more newsletter subscribers.

But we don’t see much reason to doubt the overall sentiment refelcted in this poll. As of 11:07 a.m. Monday morning, 3,253 respondents had voted, which is a trustworthy sample size. And 3,031 of them voted that yes, they would support mandatory proof of vaccination for indoor settings, making for a 93% majority.

211 respondents voted that they would not support mandatory proof of vaccination for indoor settings, so that’s 6.4% voting no.

Another 11 respondents voted that “Maybe” they supported the indoor vaccine mandate.

The poll is still in progress, so these are not the final numbers, and we’re sure the Chronicle will summarize the results in a big conclusive article (and send you lots of email newsletters about it.) But if city officials are still wondering whether the public will be on their side if they institute indoor vaccine requirements, it looks like San Francisco residents would be happy to grant them that passport.

If you’re not vaccinated, here’s where you can get vaccinated for free in San Francisco.

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Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training

Joe Kukura is a two-bit marketing writer who excels at the homoerotic double-entendre. He is training to run a full marathon completely drunk and high, and his work has appeared in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal on days when their editors made particularly curious decisions.