san francisco latest

25 Feb 2012

Why NOT Write a Screenplay?

  Even if you are not an aspiring screenwriter, you probably have an idea for a script in you. You have overheard a weird conversation between two people, you have imagined how you would act in a scenario, you know how you wish your last breakup should have gone down,

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
24 Feb 2012


With a poster like the one above – the purple blinged out mouth, that is – this event could be a Bay Area Octogenarian Garden Club meeting and still be kick-ass. I mean, I’d love that event, and I don’t think I’d be the only one. Nonetheless. B.L.ING, or the

24 Feb 2012

Berlin-Stlye Ping Pong this Friday

Looking to do something quirky this Friday night? Why not try your luck at Berlin-Style ping pong hosted by American Tripps? If you aren’t familiar with this more social form of paddling and drinking – I’ll give you the low down. Basically, a group of people circle a ping-pong table

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
24 Feb 2012

Bachelorette Breaks: Six best places to go in the US and Caribbean

Women’s travel: Ok, we hate to be the ones to tell you, but going out-of-town for a bachelorette break can never be cheap cheap. There’s transport and accommodation to book. There are L-plates/wacky wedding veils to be bought (and, regretfully, worn). There are shots to be drunk. Many shots.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
24 Feb 2012

Broke-Ass Mom Survives a Travelling Partner

With my husband travelling quite a bit lately, it’s got me thinking how does a Broke-Ass Mom survive without her Broke-Ass partner? (I also think about all you single parents out there, and every day I have a new found respect for you, really, you should all be proud of

Jennifer White - Mommy No Bucks 0
23 Feb 2012

It’s Always Summer at Summer Place Cocktail Lounge

If you are ever searching for the perfect place to grab a drink on a mid-summer night’s eve – Summer Place Cocktail Lounge is the place to go. Not that there is anything summery about the joint – it has a fireplace, pasty patrons that you can barely see through

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
22 Feb 2012

DIY: Solo Cup Crafts

Every broke-ass worth his or her salt has thrown at least a few parties assisted by the ubiquitous beverage holder of choice: the Solo cup. Found at bashes, crashes, shindigs, festivals, hoedowns, beach bonfires, college parties, picnics, Dolores Park… those little red and white buggers get around. After all what

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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