
28 Dec 2009

Student Discount and $3.50 Happy Hour Draughts at Bistro Gambrinus

‘œ..and through, thine intercession, I pray the blessed brewers, have made this, my beer, delicious. Amen’ I suppose, the city’s pre-occupation with food and its proximity to a Jesuit university explains the existence of a Euro-centric grub pub that’s named after the patron saint of beer. Whereas Bistro Gambrinus may

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
26 Dec 2009

Dance Your Holiday Stress Away

photo by Phew. It’s over! The stressful parts of the holidays are in the past and now we have New Year’s Eve to look forward to. Wild, crazy, slightly overrated New Year’s, when we can drown the year’s sorrows in unhealthy levels of alcohol. But until then, it’s important

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
24 Dec 2009

$1 Margarita Hour at the Lex Christmas Day

Okaaaay.  So, technically this happens every Friday (!), but it seems like a lovely stocking stuffer to share with our dear readers who are already on the late shift of their Noel pub crawls or for those who are desperately fleeing their respective gatherings and need a drip set up

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
21 Dec 2009

FREE Gameday Grub and Bathroom Beauties at the 3300 Club

This place has been around in some form or another for over a hundred years.  I read somewhere that the Graywood Hotel, of which it occupies the bottom floor was, at one time, a grand lodge in the pastoral Noe Valley that city folk would come and rejuvenate themselves at.

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
20 Dec 2009

A Jewish Christmas: FREE Chinese Food and Movies

Being Jewish means celebrating Christmas by not celebrating it.  Almost all Jews I know have some kind of tradition that stems from being left out during Happy Birthday Baby Jesus Day.  For example in my family we go to the amazingly delicious Phuong Trang on Convoy in San Diego and

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Dec 2009

VIP Movie Screening with FREE Food and Drinks

The fine people at the San Francisco Bay Guardian have asked me to extend and invite to my dear readers (that means you dummy) for this excellent sounding event tonight. 20th Century Boys is a stirring action film based on the smash hit manga comic by Naoki Urasawa.  I don’t

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
15 Dec 2009

FREE Booze and Music at D-Structure

So I’m actually running out the door right now to the pinche DMV to take care of something for my lady’s car, but I just thought I’d hip you all to this event. The fine people at D-Structure are killing it these days with FREE booze parties like the one

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0