bay to breakers

Bay to Breakers Liquor Store Map 2018
Behold the Tenth Anniversary Edition of the Bay to Breakers Liquor Store Map, the now-legendary smartphone map that shows the nearest booze and smoke shops even when you’re in the Golden Gate Park backwoods of the Bay to Breakers race. There are no liquor stores at all on the second

San Francisco isn’t Neverland, it’s Laterland
This originally appeared in my Broke-Ass City column in the San Francisco Examiner. I’m currently sitting in my parents’ kitchen. It’s hot in San Diego. Hell, it’s been hot all over the state this past week, and I’m so glad that places in SoCal have air conditioning. Visiting San

Wondering Where to Pee during Bay to Breakers? Rent Someone’s Toilet with Airpnp!
Just like like Airbnb allows you to rent out your extra room or apartment to someone who needs a place sleep, Airpnp allows you to rent out your toilet to someone who needs a place to drop a deuce. This may be the perfect solution to all those people who

How To Win Bay To Breakers
During my first Bay to Breakers in the city some 7 years ago, I was lucky enough to witness a scene that changed my life forever.

The Best Craigslist Missed Connection Ads from Bay to Breakers
There’s nothing better than seeing the slow, costumed, trudge home that people make the morning after an event like Halloween or Bay to Breakers. Seeing a dude in a slutty banana outfit doing the walk of shame is priceless; truly one of the best man made spectacles on earth. But

FREE Bay to Breakers Book Giveaway
Like reading? Like Bay to Breakers? I’ve got a book for you. Bay to Breakers is one of my favorite days of the year. People come out dressed in angel outfits, sperm costumes, wizard robes, or wearing nothing but body paint and glitter to spend a Sunday morning parading across

Tutu Tuesdays! $2! 222 Hyde! Homophones!
What with Burning Man, Bay to Breakers, and Halloween in this city, you’re bound to have a tutu sitting idly in your closet. Let it feel your love again: Don your tutu to get into Tutu Tuesday at 222 Hyde for only $2! DJ Mike Khoury and DJ Atish will