
FREE Ra Ra Riot Show in Golden Gate Park on Sunday
The fine people over at Spin hollered at me to let me know, so I could let you know, that Ra Ra Riot will be performing for FREE on Sunday in Golden Gate Park. But wait, it gets better. Spin will be providing bagels, donuts and coffee too! All you

Fart Party Book Release Party at Needles & Pens
Julia Wertz is a favorite of ours over here at Broke-Ass HQ. Her books and zines are fantastic and both Monica and I check often. If you remember a bit back Julia was Broke-Ass of the Week. In fact it’s been our second most read post, just behind the

FREE Game Night at On the Corner
A loyal tipster named Ellyn just hipped me to this sweet sounding game night. It’s happens every Wednesday and you even get to play the really cool games Like Axis and Allies. I had a babysitter who was a D&D and board game nerd when I was a kid, and

FREE Festival in Downtown Oakland Thursday Night
This was sent to me a little bit ago. It sounds pretty cool. Truth be told, I’m one of those lazy SF people who rarely make it to the East Bay, so I doubt I’ll get to this festival. But my laziness shouldn’t discourage you. If you go to this,

FREE Folk Festival This Weekend
I don’t have a whole lot of time to write up something witty here because I gotta run out and go to work. So I’ve pretty much just cut and pasted all the info that the fine folks from the festival sent to me. If you don’t like that I’m doing

FREE Booze and Food Friday at Timbuk2
Kelly from the Indie Mart (which is coming up on June 21st) just informed me of an AWESOME party on Friday. Timbuk2 is celebrating their 20th anniversary by feeding you, getting you drunk, making you dance, and letting you design some bags! What the fuck? Who’s birthday is it again? Can

FREE Manicure and Martini
This one comes directly from While this is probably open to anyone who just wants a mani and a ‘tini (creeping Jesus! Did I really just write “mani” and “tini”?), it’s especially targeted for those of you out there who are trying to preggers but can’t seem to do it.