This Week’s Top Events – San Francisco
Although we’re sure you already plan out your entire social life around our stellar calendar of events, we like to highlight our favorites each week. Take a gander below but make sure to check our SF & NY calendars often since they are always being updated. Got an event to submit to the calendar? Send it to Rad
Check Out Writers With Drinks at The Makeout Room
Cancel your plans and go to the Makeout Room this Saturday. It’s time for Writers with Drinks. It’s hard to do better than the write-up they got from, so I’ll just steal it: Back in 2001, writer Charlie Jane Anders set out to create a new kind of reading
Litquake 2011 Brings the Awesome (and FREE) Literary Events
October means the beginning of Fall, Halloween, harvests, unaturally hot weather in the Bay, and most importantly, the Litquake Literary Festival. Literature fiends can go full geek and see a crapload of literary events around the city, culminating in the ultimate event: Litcrawl. Think of a bar crawl, except
Thursday: Heal Your Broken Heart for FREE
Ever feel like your heart has been ripped out of your body, eaten up, spit out and thrown on the ground? Um, that’s pretty much how I feel right now. Nevertheless, there is a solution to my sorrows – not to mention any of you other crushed souls out there.
WTF! People Still Read Books?
Here is a FREE event for all of you Literati Gangsters out there. And it happens monthly. So feel free to sport your Literati colors and do this, well, every month. Babble-On Thursday marks the monthly Babble-On literary reading at Dog Eared Books in San Francisco, where you might hear