BoozeNew York

Fuggin’ Happy Hours: I Bartend with Aspiring Indonesian Actress

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Mmmm. Look at that classy bar.

Fug it man, tomorrow is supposed to be very nice out so while there isn’t too much in the way of news from Mug Lounge, I think it does warrant special invitation to come out tomorrow once the sun goes down to hide that lobster face.  It is also kind amazing they still let me bartend here. Apparently, the benefits of having a beer case hauler offset the brand damage I’m causing, even though I feel like I haven’t made a dent in their euro-fusion armor.  However, I’m excited to say that last week I found a switch to override the DJ booth (you know, the one that churns out a mix of songs whose quality, despite their kinda impressive variety, can all be measured in units of head pain they cause) with the digi jukebox.  Heck, I’ll give you money to choose songs, seriously.

Sadly, the drink specials haven’t undergone a similar improvement, but they stand strong and proud at:  $3 domestic bottle beers, $4 well drinks (as stiff as supervision allows), $5 margaritas, and sometimes $5 wine depending on the head bartender’s mood – FYI she’s the aspiring Indonesian actress.  Don’t worry,  she loves me because I do all of the tending while she drinks her Monster and vodkas.  I also enjoy using the little bar dishwasher that looks like an orgasm machine.   I’ll have some sweaty stickers in my pockets too that declare you what you are: “Young, Broke, and Beautiful”.  On the back, in invisible ink I’ve added “and probably a little sloppy drunk”.

Where: Mug Lounge is @ 13th Street and Avenue A.

When: 6-9 pm (non-Happy Hour prices are laughable, so you won’t want to stay, no matter how many roofies I’ve given you. If you want to keep drinking check out the nearby Continental.)

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