
We Wanna Send You and a Friend to Apothecary Raree: Dark Roots!

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

The Bay Area’s only Neo-Vintage Electro-Swing cabaret and dance party is back this month with a whole new offering titled “Dark Roots,” and the lineup for this is absolutely spectacular. In fact, we’re so excited that we’re teaming up with Jain Dowe Productions to send you and a friend to the show for free!

Critically acclaimed artist Cellista, will be featured as a part of her release tour for her new album, Pariah, an operatic fairytale with semi-autobiographical overtones. Cellista will be accompanied by soprano Hilary Whitmore, rapper DEM ONE, guitarist Joshua Icban, dancers from San Jose’s New Ballet, multi-instrumentalist Dustin Schultz (Skinny Puppy, Ogre), and film by Jennifer Gigantino.

Throughout the evening, join in with Jess’s Jazzers for some lindy hop and solo jazz. Enjoy burlesque by Jain Dowe and Red Velvet, chair acrobatics by Joanna Animal, belly dance by Kirsten Brown from FLUX Vertical Theatre, and May Yang from Beats Antique!

See you there, Fellow Apothecarians!

You can get your tickets to Apothecary Raree: Dark Roots right here, or enter our giveaway below to win!

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Lizzie Locker - Events Editor

Lizzie Locker - Events Editor

Lizzie Locker has been an artist, entertainer, and “glamour girl” since birth. Since 2017, Lizzie has been writing professionally for small businesses, as well as creatively. She has published essays in VIE Magazine, and has written website and social media content for pole dance studios, afterschool programs, and reference sites. At the same time, Lizzie has also continued to develop her performance career at queer nightlife events across the Bay Area. She can be found both onstage and off, reading her stories aloud in bars, emceeing drag and burlesque shows, and producing arts events that defy genre and expectation.