
11 Jan 2012

FREE Show: Real Characters at McNally Jackson Tonight

I like stories. I like storytelling. Someday I hope to be a storyteller. Every month at McNally Jackson, they hold a FREE storytelling and performance show called “Real Characters.” Here you can see (or hear as it were) New York’s best storytellers and some pretty funny comedians and writers. Past

Quincey Trigillo - Judicious Journalist 0
10 Jan 2012

Expand Your Mind: Best Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

There was a point where I would roll my eyes at the thought of watching documentaries on purpose. Why be educational when I could be entertained? However, the quality of documentary film-making has really given other Hollywood films a challenge in the last few years. Maybe your new year’s resolution

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
10 Jan 2012

Check Out BK-based Duo WAZU at Cameo Gallery Tonight!

If you don’t already know, you can find Cameo Gallery in the back of the Lovin’ Cup Café, and you’ll want to keep an eye on this venue since it’s a great place to catch emerging talent like tonight’s BK-based WAZU. This male/female duo, formed New South Wales, Australia, have

Tiara Francis - NY Know-it-all 0
10 Jan 2012

Learn How to Be a Great Storyteller: FREE at Brooklyn Skillshare Tonight!

You know how some people are horrible storytellers?  Like, they start talking and the story drones on-and-on and you get super confused/bored and nod along but are secretly spacing out?  Well, don’t let that person be you!  Improve your storytelling skills by attending “How to be a Great Storyteller and

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
09 Jan 2012

$1 Hooch for the Cheap and Sleazy Tuesday at The Edge

For those unfamiliar with the Edge, it’s the last bar on the western edge of the Castro. One of the bars recently bought and renovated by the guys that own QBar (as is soon to happen over at the Midnight Sun down the street) it’s mostly known for beer busts

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
09 Jan 2012

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Chicken Parmesan Soup

I know over 100 cities across the nation are experiencing record highs and we’re all excited about the sitting outside for brunch and not wearing a coat even though we really should fun that comes with it, it’s still, well, kind of cold. I mean, don’t you think? I mean,

Jill S. 0
06 Jan 2012

Flashback Films in Berkeley

Although I call myself a film buff, I could lose a lot of credibility considering there are some “classics” I’ve never seen. Let’s just say one that I haven’t seen rhymes with “Pasablanca”. I call myself a comedy nerd but I’ve never seen a certain Monty Python movie about someone

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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