Guest Writer
A Transplant’s Take on Oakland Cuisine
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE. HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM Guest writer: Amanda McDowell Growing up in the South, life revolves around eating. Between backyard barbecues and rainy days watching the Food Network, there has been no shortage of southern cuisine in my life. Because
Hip Hop is Everywhere in Oakland
Hip hop is everywhere in Oakland. The city literally oozes soul. Locals have opportunities to see known artists at big venues or get in on one of the many (cheap) annual festivals. One of the most evolved of these is
I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute
I need your help to keep going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the
The #Givemuffins Movement is Back in San Francisco
By Jacob “Muffin Man” Kaufman Hey there loyal Broke-Ass-a-Teers! It’s your old friend the Muffin Man! I know you’re broke, but you’re also beautiful, and you love helping those in need. With that in mind, National Muffin Day is coming up on Sunday, January 28th! On National Muffin Day, I invite everybody to bake muffins and give them
Why Have We Stopped Talking About Gun Laws?
After Vegas, the regular rhetoric and politicking that follows in the wake of mass shootings faded remarkably quickly, especially considering that this shooting is the largest in history.
The Homeless Shooing, Crime Fighting, Robots in San Francisco
By Benjamin Steele The new brutalist future is here, and it’s coming in the form of ‘robot sentries’. I would have expected to start an article about cruelty to homeless people by talking about a big law firm, tech company, or some sort of mustachioed villain petting a robotic cat. But
“Hey Fatboy” I was Body Shamed on the Bus
By Kelly O’Grady It was like any other day, my friend Jacob and I were day drunk on cheap scotch and on our way to go theatre hopping at the multiplex; we were having a grand ol’ time talking about Star Trek and shit like that. Suddenly the drone
A Guide to Being a Millennial in Trump’s America
By Kate Haverston Things are rough right now. No sugar-coating, no softballing. Our country, while still one of the most privileged and advanced places to live, is in a particularly bad place right now. And at some point in time, our generation — which already exhibits the highest stress levels
Escaping Christmas in the East Bay
By Amanda Davis The holidays are either the worst or the best time of the year, there is no in between. With all the jolliness, caroling and wallet pain, this seasonal shit can get a tad annoying. If you need a break from all the red and green flashing lights