
10 Feb 2017

The KKK Sucks At The Internet (and fact checking)

What can you say about the Klan that hasn’t already been said? Ignorant.  Hateful. Cowards. Murderers. Terrorists. So their websites must be the goddamn worst. BUT you’d be surprised how much some, like The Loyal White Knights of the KKK, are ODDLY WELCOMING. To a point. But maybe they’re just

jakeh 0
02 Dec 2016

Why Don’t Europeans F***ing TIP?

OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE.  HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM By Jake Hart  Hello!  Oh you’re visiting NYC from Europe? So that means you can afford the cost of getting on a flying machine from across an ocean to come tool around/spend money(yours or someone

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