blogsherpa USA

FREE 4th of July Hot Dogs at FrankenArt Mart
Eat Your Way Through National Hot Dog Day 2012! As Jennifer Coolidge once so eloquently cooed, when it comes to the Fourth of July, it’s hard not to think about a hot dog. Whether, it be beef, pork, poultry, or soybean makes no difference, you have to have

BrokeAss Date: Take Yourself to a Bat Shit Crazy Movie
Movies for onesies are great for lots of reasons- the no compromising on shit like candy or what to see and when, the people watching. But sometimes you also want to be made deeply uncomfortable, and that often means tickets just for one. I recently asked myself out to BAMcinmatek’

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

‘This Little Piggy’ Sandwich Shop Tastes Damn Good
Great discoveries are always unintentional. America, potato chips, and the best roast beef sandwich this side of the East River. This sandwich dive is the kind of place that traffics in all the cuts that make up a great sandwich. Roast Beef, pastrami, and even some cheese whiz thrown in

Rise and Shine: Jack Early Park
I woke up this morning hungering for the sun and a hike, leaped out of bed, and went on my way. Now that I’m remembering and writing this, I very well may have left the cat in my room and the window wide open. I also didn’t pack too well

Bean There (or Bean Square)
Life realizations are coming fast and furious these days. Turns out your mid-twenties is a period not only of astoundingly poor productivity, but also of consecutive, exponentially foolish decisions about the nebulous future. Landscape architecture and goat tending in New Zealand vie for the plan next month. What’ll actually happen,

Thirty Bucks: Fluid Yoga
30 dollars doesn’t go too far around these parts. Assuming your routine amounts to four bucks in Muni fares, eight in a decked-out burrito, and 10 (we’re playing it low here) in alcohol, that’s like a day and a half in San Francisco. Important things like dental health, physical fitness

Sipping at St. Cyprian’s
As someone whose first – and one of very few – church experiences was a rural Mississippian Baptist revival, tongues-speaking and floor-writhings and all, I’m not one who habitually steps foot into a house of God. Tonight, though, I breathed deep and placed one foot in front of the other

Manna from the Sunset
At an age when quantity definitely tends to trump quality in most pursuits (see: alcohol, ramen, squalid affairs with grungy musicians), the more you fill your belly with, the better, generally speaking. Who knows, as a broke-ass, when exactly you may eat again. With this in mind, I’ve started eating