Breaking Bad
Former Meth Lab for Sale in San Jose for $1.5 Million
Are you a big Breaking Bad fan that has always dreamed of having your own Walter White experience? Then look no further than this insanely priced home in San Jose!
We wanna send you to see Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston!
Bryan Cranston has played President Lyndon B. Johnson, a sitcom dad on Malcom in the Middle, blacklisted Hollywood writer Dalton Trumbo — and, most famously, chemistry teacher-turned-cancer patient-turned-meth overlord Walter White in Breaking Bad. In his riveting new memoir, A Life in Parts, Bryan Cranston opens up about the many
The KQED & Noise Pop Festival Looks Awesome
When two wonderful SF institutions get together to throw a block party it’s a great reason to get excited. KQED has teamed up with Noise Pop and is blocking off the streets in front of its storied SF headquarters and opening up its doors for an all-day, live music-infused, street
5 Things Your Broke-Ass Artist Friend Doesn’t Want To Hear
Because of America’s obsession with lists, I present to you, the struggling artist, the top five things every artist does not want to hear. Let it be known that this list is not so much intended for readers like you, but your friends, family and colleagues, who have a large
Let’s All Nerd Out and Watch TV!
It struck me last night, after a brief hiatus from TV-watching that led to a wealth of DVR’ed Thursday night NBC Comedies, that I really like Television. Obviously I don’t like all of Television because most of it is total garbage, but there’s some great stuff on right now that