
20 Aug 2012

American Splendor in Pacific Puffs…

I’ve been known to fancy films that are dark. Dark humor, yes. But, also those that have a dark cast to their cinematography from the natural surroundings of the locations, or the usage of digital color correction that gave O Brother, Where Art Thou?  its sepia-tinted tones that gave the viewer

illyannam 0
22 Jul 2012

Cupkates: Key Lime Pie for Peasants…

I don’t normally like cupcakes. At best, I think they’re a great mobilizer of sugar into the system of greedy 5th graders during holiday parties with classmade, construction paper, chain link streamers. Well, that’s the only time I made and consumed cupcakes. Then, when the cupcake craze swept over America

illyannam 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
Courtesy of Craftsman and Wolves
05 Jul 2012

Craftsman and Wolves…

I remember living on Valencia St. when KFC was still on the block, junkies constantly shouted above the bell of the nearby church and Lost Weekend had half-off Wednesday and VHS tapes. Then, the gallery attendants below me started to leave traces of hispterdom: cans of PBR. They were everywhere.

illyannam 0
03 Apr 2011

DIY: Suck the Cost out of Extracts

Have you noticed that I love food? It should be an enormous part of anyone’s life, and food acquisition is getting cheaper all the time. Here’s another method you might not have considered: making your own cooking extracts. That brownie recipe on which you pride yourself? Leave the vanilla extract

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
22 Feb 2011

Tonight! Refuse the Truffle Shuffle

You’re probably already sick of reading about Noise Pop, so let’s talk instead about chocolate: currency, status symbol, and obesity propellent. But even milk chocolate has a dark side, which tonight’s FREE Kitchen Table Talks at Viracocha will spotlight. It’s hard to maintain one’s dignity while scarfing down Dove Promises,

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
20 Feb 2011

FREE Fancy Pants Chocolate and Factory Tour

Alaskan Giant Chocolate Waterfall, only relevant because it’s a picture of chocolate. When I was a kid I was pretty stoked on watching how they made chocolate in the back of the Ghiradelli Soda Fountain. My sister and I would run to check it out while we counted down the

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter 0
02 Dec 2010

In Honor of The San Francisco Chocolate Factory Closing Down

In honor of the San Francisco Chocolate Factory closing I figured I’d share this funny write up I did of it in Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in San Francisco: Don’t get your hopes up. There’s no eccentric and snarky candy millionaire running around with a platoon of orange faced musical

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Mar 2010

Weekend in a Convent.

I decided to take a theatre workshop a couple of weeks ago which required that I go to upstate New York for four days and three nights.  It just so happened that when we pulled in to where we would be staying and workshopping, my colleagues and I realized that

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0