Dog Eared Books

Where to Drink While Gift Shopping in San Francisco
In the before times (and by that I mean before my friend had kids and we could fuck-off for an entire day together), said friend and I would pick a day in December, pick a neighborhood, and spend it holiday shopping and drinking. It was glorious, AND productive! Have a drink. Buy a gift. Have a drink. Get another gift. You get it!

Dog Eared Books Becomes ‘Fabulosa’ in September
September brings ‘Fabulosa’ change to a staple San Francisco bookstore Dog Eared Books on Castro Street struggled through the pandemic and nearly went under. But by the grace of generous donors, PPP loans and some good old fashioned staff grit, the store lives on, though it will be taking on

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

San Francisco Retail Shops Reopen Today with Curbside Pickup
While this obviously doesn’t hold the same joy as browsing the stacks for an hour before finally deciding what to buy, it’s a great opportunity to support a local business while we wait for things to more fully open up.

I Once Fell in Love at the Lone Palm
Somewhere there’s a photo of me and my ex-girlfriend in which she’s sitting on my lap and we’re very obviously in love. We’d just started dating, probably hadn’t even slept together, and you can tell just by the way we’re wrapped around one another that the brain chemicals which make you fall in love are absolutely fucking exploding in our heads.

Beautiful Women in Bookstores: Ashley
Beautiful Women in Bookstores is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a celebration of reading, intelligence, independent bookstores, and of course, beautiful women. In a time when bookstores seem to be disappearing this is our effort to show how sexy books and reading really are. Each installment will have a

WTF! People Still Read Books?
Here is a FREE event for all of you Literati Gangsters out there. And it happens monthly. So feel free to sport your Literati colors and do this, well, every month. Babble-On Thursday marks the monthly Babble-On literary reading at Dog Eared Books in San Francisco, where you might hear