Election 2020

15 Jan 2020

It’s Bernie or Bust for the Busted Masses

By Ian Firstenberg  Sanders offers the only jolt to our collective body politic that will save us from extinction.  The Bay Area has served as a petri dish for technocratic liberalism over the past two decades. What started with a tech buzz eventually became a bubble that burst a few

Guest Writer 0
07 Aug 2019

Boycott: Stephen Ross’s Trump Fundraiser Sparks SoulCycle, Equinox Backlash

What happens when a very rich developer who happens to act as chief executive officer for a very large fitness franchise decides to throw a fundraising party for Donald Trump’s re-election campaign? Shit gets boycotted – that’s what happens. It should come as no surprise to Stephen Ross that when

10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
29 May 2019

Mueller to Congress: I Did My Job, Now Do Yours

Throughout the entire Special Counsel process, every move and absence of word by Robert S. Mueller has been methodical and, at least from all outward appearances, professionally ethical at the highest level. Mueller’s surprise announcement from the seventh-floor podium of the U.S. Department of Justice did not deviate from what

24 Apr 2019

Elizabeth Warren is Rising Because She Acts Like a President Should

It was just weeks ago that media critics homed in on media’s lack of or primarily negative coverage of female candidates lined up for the Democratic primary. Way back then, Elizabeth Warren was barely a whisper on pundit lips, but the big finance-busting candidate is lately proving you don’t have

10 Apr 2019

Pete Buttigieg Just Might Be President Pete

Pete Buttigieg could actually win this thing. I will first say this is NOT an endorsement; this is purely observation. I hold judgment until I see how candidates perform on the debate stage – that’s where they go to thrive or die and I’m looking forward to the show. But