
07 Jul 2021

FDA Comes Out Hard Against Huffing Poppers

The US Food and Drug administration issued a very unusual and out-of-the blue alert last week discouraging people from inhaling amyl nitrite, more popularly known as ‘poppers.’ The agency pounded home the message that they have seen an “increase in reports of deaths and hospitalizations” they attributed to the party-huffing

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
28 Dec 2011

DIY: New Year’s Eve

Although I personally don’t really get the fuss over New Year’s Eve, I do enjoy a few things about the holiday – mainly that there’s lots of champagne and glitter involved. While I can’t do much to bring down the price of champagne (at least…not good champagne), I can help

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless 0