
28 Jun 2018

Bay news wrap for week of June 28, 2018: Protests and cow poop ice cream

It seems like each week in news is crazier than the last and this past week gets gold stars for holding up that theory. We’ll touch on our newest local viral video star Permit Patty, patties cooked up by robots, a whole lot of protesting, the death of a moderate

31 Jul 2017

Top 4 Reasons To Date Vladimir Putin

A look at ultra-conservatives romantic infatuation with Putin. Every girl loves a bad boy but it takes a special lady to love an oligarch! Here are the top 4 reasons Vladimir Putin is 2017’s dream boat to die for, (most likely in a suspicious circumstance made to look like a suicide),

Tiana Miller 0
07 Aug 2024

The Fun Things To Do On Alameda Island

We got to the East Bay in 20 minutes & never worried about traffic, a bridge toll, parking…or any other hassle. Our only concern was drinking in the beautiful views on the SF Bay Ferry.

25 Jul 2017

The Brooklyn Bar that Defines Gentrification, & The Locals Fighting it

Pretend bullet holes in the wall, 40oz’s of Rosé, designed by a white, corporate tax lawyer

Tiana Miller 0
19 May 2017

Law Enforcement On A High Horse: Why Are There Horse Cops in 2017?

By Hannah Harkness  I have always been mystified by horse cops. Until I wrote this article, it was just a stump topic I had for angry bar conversations about law enforcement overreach. I never understood them. I wondered how it could possibly be healthy for horses to do police work.

Hannah Harkness 0
16 Jan 2017

All the Ways to Protest The Inauguration While in D.C.

Making that fateful trek to our nation’s capital this week? Not all of it will be bad, yes there will most likely be a speech with the eloquence and grammar below a 6th-grade level, the lowest predicted attendance rate and highest amount of organized protests of any inauguration, but that

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0
16 Jan 2017

All the Bay Area Protests, Safe Spaces & Fundraisers on Inauguration Day

Friday January 20th is going to be a rough day for a lot of us. The only bright side is the inauguration is happening at 9am Pacific time so you always have to option to just sleep through it… if you can. Its been pretty well established that PEOTUS is

04 Jan 2016

Come Protest Mayor Ed Lee’s Inauguration on Friday!

If you’re reading this there is a very good chance that you didn’t vote for Ed Lee for mayor of San Francisco. In fact only 55% of registered voters did, which is rather embarrassing for him considering he ran “unopposed”. That said, protesting his inauguration at 11am on Friday at City Hall

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
08 May 2015

9 Impressions in the Aftermath of the Baltimore Unrest

  Baltimore has always been good to me. Hospitable and friendly, I’ve never left Charm City without having a good time. When I began to read about and watch the protests, unrest and repression unfolding on the Chesapeake, I felt compelled to see for myself what was really going on.