upgrade your comfort foods

11 Jun 2010

Downgrade Your Trendy Foods: Choose Your Own Ceviche

In the past, I’ve used this humble space to talk about how not look so poor when eating your Mac & Cheese, or Ramen noodles, or Peanut Butter and Jelly. OR WHATEVER. But what about all those trendy dishes the hot new restaurants are serving up that all your Yelp

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
27 Feb 2010

Upgrade Your Comfort Foods: Bougie Cupcakes

I don’t know why, but something about cupcakes makes them taste good like Daddy’s money.  Personally, when I eat a cupcake, the Marie Antoinette soundtrack cues in my head and I pretend like Sofia Coppola and I are in Versailles, holding flutes of champagne and wearing Alexander McQueen dresses made

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0