Arts and CultureNew York

Pay What You Want Wednesdays at the Bronx Zoo

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Before you pucker your face like a dried apricot sphincter, save your exhaled breath and negative judgment of zoos.  Yes, zoos impose less than favorably living conditions on some of their animals.   They also educate and encourage kids and adults to invest in and gain awareness of the animal kingdom; provide an environment for controlled research and observation; help raise money for conservation and preservation projects;  and make possible re-population initiatives.  I’m not saying there aren’t flaws and we shouldn’t be content with the current state of affairs, but we can give some credit where credit is due. And not give it where it is not due…like the bear pit in Bern, Switzerland.  The bottom line is, the zoo is cheap on Wednesday.


On Wednesdays your admission (the suggested donation is $5 per person, but if you wear some sunglasses I bet you’ll be bold enough to pay only $2.  Sweet sense of anonymity.)  gives you access to the main grounds  including Tiger Mountain, a sad polar bear, some peacocks, sea lions, serpents who hide in their display cases, school trips, and tons of hot single moms.  Ah, the Bronx.


Other exhibits, like the Congo Gorilla Forest or the Wild Asia Monorail cost additional money, which you can pay in a one-off manner, or bundle with a Total Experience ticket ($15).


Other Tips
1. Bring your own food and drink, or at least buy your food or drink from the vendors outside of the park grounds.

2. Go to the website repeatedly until you are asked to fill out a survey from SurveyMonkey, which promises $5 off your Total Experience pass.

3. Bring a book for the friggin 5 Train, which runs local north of 125 Street

4. Don’t have sex on your way from the train platform to the zoo grounds.

5. Try to devote some attention to birds other than the flamingos. They have two areas to themselves and prime real estate in front of the central cafe.  It is not fair to the other birds.


To get to the Zoo take the 2 or 5 train to East Tremont Ave/West Farms Square.  Follow the signs and walk two blocks to the entrance.

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