Sex and Dating

Online Dating Tips

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A good friend of mine recently got back into online dating after a long break and just getting out of a 6 month relationship. YES guys, really, it is actually NOT me, because otherwise,I would just admit it. Though I haven’t been on the reception end of an online dating website since aught seven and a fortnight, I still remember a thing or two about a thing or two.

And so I share my insight with you all, just as I did with my friend:

1) If 2 of 3 photos make the person appear attractive, but the 3rd is questionable

I would say, just skip it entirely if you really can’t make up your mind. Everyone online, more often than not, are unattractive, but are just pretty good at hiding it.  If you’re anything like me, you’re probably not going to get past someone being an ug-face, especially when just meeting someone for the first time. I’m just of the camp that if I’m going  to date someone unattractive, that it simply can’t be in this or a blind date scenario. I need to be charmed by them in person for a quite a while first before making any kind of second date decisions.

2) If they make a terrible joke

Again, for me, making a bad or offensive joke is pretty much a deal-breaker. Best case scenario, they probably just don’t or won’t “get” you. Worst case scenario, they’re raging serial killers.

3) If they make a weird sexual reference

I’m not talking about regular flirting– but like, if anything seems weird or out of nowhere, even if you’re just looking to hook up, it’s probably a bad sign if the person you’re messaging with make some sort of crude or sleazy comment. Just shut it down.

4) If they try to start a fight with you

I feel like some guys think this is like a form of “negging” or some such nonsense. It’s one thing to have a genuine discussion or disagreement, but it’s quite another to have someone pushing your buttons in hopes they’ll get laid.

5) If they say they’ve met or seen you before and you have no recollection of such an encounter

It’s quite possible their story is true. So basically, they’re either a LIAR or a crazy stalker. Proceed at your own own risk.

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Anna G - Caliburg Contributor

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor

Anna G. is a Southern California native living in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn since 2005. Anna is constantly trying to unite her love of CA sunshine and the excitement of the New York urban jungle, all the while trying to keep her unwieldy credit card debt under control, and look fabulous at brunch, no matter how un-showered and hungover.