FREE Craft Night at NYC Resistor
I’ve been saying since college that I’m going to have a weekly craft night for my friends. I keep failing for a multitude of reasons: people get busy, apartments are small, I have to work, I ran out of hot glue, I forgot to buy more googlely eyes, etc. Instead of continuing to fail, I’m going to start going to NYC Resistor’s open craft night.
NYC Resistor is a self-proclaimed hacker collective who offers classes in everything from beer-making to soldering 101 and build awesome things out of LEDs and lasers. But their weekly craft night is a complete open forum. You just show up to their space with your latest project and sit and craft while you watch everyone else knit bike covers, splice plastic animals, turn Lego guys into key chains and bedazzle the shit out of objects. So you can bring your friends, and make a few new ones.
photo from
NYC Resistor Craft Night
87 Third Ave between Bergen and Dean Streets [Downtown Brooklyn]
Thursday November 18, 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23