Wanna Write for BrokeAssStuart.com?
Do you find yourself reading this site and thinking, “I’m young, broke, beautiful, AND I can write better than these chumps!”? If so, now is your time to prove it.
We’re currently looking to expand our author pool in San Francisco and New York and we’re hoping that you, our dear and deranged readers, might wanna get in on the action. If you’re snarky, know what’s happening in your town, and good at making your fingers type out funny words, then you might be just the person we’re looking for.
I’m gonna be 100% honest with you from the start and let you know that, at this point, payment doesn’t really exist. But don’t feel bad about it, my name’s on the fucking site and I don’t really even make any money. That said, it’s a great place to get clips and many of our writers have gone on to write for people that can actually pay then.
Here’s how it works. You’re gonna drop us a line at either SFEditor@BrokeAssStuart.com or NYC@BrokeAssStuart.com, Then the we will have you send us a couple writing samples, and then after that, well…that’s what dreams are made out of.
Looking forward to hearing from you!!