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How to Enjoy a New York Christmas When You’re a Broke Twenty-Something

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Damon & Jo on a Dime is a travel show for those who cannot afford Travel Channel’s “Top Ten Hottest Beaches of Cabo” or for those who cannot relate to Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain’s luxurious travels. Damon & Jo are broke and want to travel too, dag nabbit!

You’ve seen it in the movies and have dreamt the day would come of ice skating around Rockefeller and shopping on Fifth Ave…until you see the prices. From $4 lattés to $20 cab rides, it’s time to give you the low-down on how you can still have a magical New York City Christmas on a dime:


Witness the madness of Macy’s

– Nothing says Christmas in New York more than showing some Christmas spirit and getting pissed off in line at Macy’s…to go up the elevator. If you’re looking to increase your heart palpitations, look no further: Macy’s is the Times Square of your New York experience! It’s a must-do and must-see, but just remember it’s like a Trader Joe’s on a Sunday afternoon. Take your stress ball and schedule a yoga class afterward. You’ll need them.


Be a kid again and admire the window displays of 5th Avenue

– You do it already when you window shop, so why all of a sudden, does it sound weird to admire the Christmas decorations in storefront windows? Take it back to when you were a kid and check out the dancing marionettes, the most professionally wrapped presents, and completely decked-out christmas trees, all while humming along to “Grandma Got Ranover By A Reindeer.” It feels magical, trust me…especially the part when you realize you will never afford any of it.


Take the Roosevelt Tram

– People love to do things out of tradition, and while yes, going to the top of the Empire State Building is a “Top Thing” to do in New York City, did you know you can get basically the same view for the price of one swipe of a metrocard (that being, $2.25) by taking the Roosevelt Island Tram? The tram is located just a few avenues from the famous 5th avenue, so once you’ve shopped and dropped, you can relax with some five-star views AND feel like a baller as you know you’re doing something more “New York” and far-less visited than someplace like the Top of the Rock! Psh, puh-leez.


Ice Skate and Punch a B*tch

Every tourist you talk to always wants to know where they can ice skate! It’s as if nobody realizes all of those iconic mire scenes that took place at skating rinks in Manhattan had film crews and cleared 80% of the people out of the rink to get the shot. Ain’t happenin’ this time. If you want to relive that iconic ice skating shot, I can assure you that Central Park’s Wollman Rink, Bryant Park’s rink, and Rockefeller Center’s rink are the most packed, for the exact reason listed above. You could check out more remote, yet more New York locations such as South Street Seaport’s rink, Northern Central Park’s rink, or Stuy Town’s rink. There, you won’t have to worry about running over someone’s fingers as you try to have a nice moment with New York.


Visit a Christmas market

– To soak in the Christmas of New York, head down to Union Square to meander through the Christmas market! They have everything from those ridiculous furry hats to chocolatier stands – you know, typical Christmas stuff. Of course, most times the items are a bit pricey, but you know what we say over here at Damon and Jo on a Dime enterprises: walking is FREE. Walk on over to Whole Foods across the street to get the creamiest, most organic, and cheapest hot chocolate in the neighborhood.


See a show

– What’s makes you look more glamourous (and pretentious) than telling all your friends you’re “going to see a show?” Oh là là…nothing, besides maybe bragging about which club in the Meatpacking District you got into last week. What you don’t have to tell your friends is how little you paid for your show ticket. Last year, we saw Wicked for $70, Mary Poppins for $35, and the Radio City Rockettes for $30 and no, we weren’t in the nose-bleed section, thank you very much. Check out student tickets, rush tickets, lottery tickets, and coupon codes on Google. For real!

This article was written by Damon Dominique & Joanna Franco from Damon & Jo on a Dime. Catch their web travel show every Tuesday at 8pm on Youtube! You can also continue  to follow this adventurous duo as they conquer the world on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@damonandjo).

Photo Credit: Damon and Jo


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Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

My father came, my mother saw...and I conquered. I encourage children to do drugs, I buy alcohol for teenagers, and I drink beer with the homeless. In my spare time, I attend art galleries for the FREE booze while rubbing elbows with modish elephants. I also hammer six-inch nails into small penises. Stuart knighted me as Broke-Ass King of New York. You've been warned.