new york city

09 Jun 2024

8 Complaints About Being Gay in San Francisco

It’s a sin when success complains. That’s how I feel as a gay man who moved to San Francisco from what Californians affectionately call “flyover country.” It’s pretty damn great, living here. So what if everything closes at 2am (#4) and there aren’t any bathhouses to go to (#5). Compared

Jake Warren 0
18 May 2024

Why San Francisco Needs a Gay Bathhouse

I made a new friend recently. He just moved here from New York. Having tried to visit the Eagle but finding it closed, he texted me one evening. “Does SF close down at like, 11pm? I’m used to NYC where we don’t even start going out until then.”  Oh honey.

Jake Warren 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 May 2024

Mayor London Breed to Bring Back the Barbary Coast?

Mayor Breed’s newest revitalization scheme involves bringing an entertainment district á la New Orleans’ Bourbon Street to the Financial District. Another gambit to jumpstart downtown San Francisco, at least this idea doesn’t yearn for the dead-and-gone. Even Breed knows office culture is never coming back. Her plan shifts focus from

Jake Warren 0
18 Oct 2022

San Francisco Among America’s “Rattiest” Cities

Move over, mold. San Francisco has a rat problem. For the third year in a row, SF has ranked fifth in a list of rat-ridden cities compiled by pest control company, Orkin. New York City took second place, losing out to Chicago. Orkin rated the Windy City America’s “rattiest,” marking

Jake Warren 0
28 Jun 2022

What It’s Like For A New Yorker To Be A Tourist In San Francisco

WRITTEN BY SHAHBAAZ SINGH I’m a critic at heart, but don’t take it too seriously, I’m from New York; Brooklyn, New York, to be exact. People from places I’ve never heard of think it’s the capital of Earth or some shit, and our egos are only limited by the loopholes

Guest Writer 0
19 Feb 2021

What I Learned from Organizing a Rent Strike

It’s no secret that the Pandemic has had a devastating toll on New York City. Homelessness is at all time highs, COVID cases are surging, and record numbers of people are leaving the city. The only good thing to come of it is that for the first time since the

Sonny Curtin 0
13 Apr 2020

How to Stay Safe When No one is on the Streets

With so much information being shared on how to keep ourselves, and one another, healthy during COVID-19, it can feel overwhelming – believe me, I am inundated. With many of us existing in a world of seclusion, and rarely leaving our houses, physical safety seems like an afterthought. However, it

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets 0
17 Dec 2019

Live Like NYC is Sinking Into the Ocean (Because It Is)

by Hannah Harkness Two years ago, my friend said to me “NYC is every Doomsday movie’s bitch-don’t worry about it.” This is because I told her, with conviction, that I wanted to move here before it sinks. While I love me a good disaster movie, I can’t put NYC sinking

Guest Writer 0