4 Years Into Comedy, Amber Rollo has Already Confronted Weinstein & Written an Album
by Jonas Barnes
Recently, I sat down with my friend and fellow comedian Amber Rollo to talk about her upcoming album recording, her week of headline performances at The Creek and The Cave, and what it’s like to be known for telling Harvey Weinstein to go fuck himself straight to his face.
Jonas: How long have you been doing comedy?
Amber: I’ve been doing comedy for 4 years. I know that doesn’t sound like very long, but I feel like I’ve done a lot in that 4 years. And it’s been almost entirely in NYC, so I’ve got a lot of material at this point.
Jonas: What made you decide that this was the year you’d be doing your album?
Amber: I felt like I’d amassed enough material, and I’ve done it enough to where I want to really place a marker of where I’m at in my career. It’s time to work on new material and maybe retire this material. Plus, I may have gone a bit viral recently due to a little Harvey Weinstein situation and the timing just feels right with everything going on.
Jonas: Oh we’re definitely gonna get to old Harvey soon. You’re doing a Week At The Creek coming up, starting January 27th. Why The Creek And The Cave? Was it solely because of the amount of stage time or was there another reason you picked The Creek?
Amber: I really like the vibe of the club. It’s a place to try new material because they welcome that, and it’s an environment that lends well to it. The amount of stage time is obviously great, and the Owner Rebecca is very supportive. Along with that, The Creek had come under fire for some stuff recently that put them in an unfortunate light, and I think the best way to combat that backlash is by performing there and putting on shows that prove the club doesn’t support hatefulness – It fosters creativity and inclusiveness.
Jonas: I love that and I couldn’t agree more. Do you plan on testing this hour out on the road after your week at the creek, to prepare for your album? If so, where are you looking to run it?
Amber: You know what? I hadn’t thought of that but that’s a great idea! I’m completely open to doing it and would welcome the opportunity to work it out on the road. So you hear that…I’m open and ready to come to your city with my hour!
Jonas: Okay! Let’s talk about the rape-y elephant in the room. You were one of the women that confronted Harvey Weinstein at The Actor’s Hour. First of all: Thank you for doing that because fuck that predator completely. Secondly: Was there any hesitation in doing that? Did you think about not doing it at all?
Amber: Oh man. There was hesitation because I was there in support of my friend (who is also a survivor) and I wanted to see how she would react first, so as to not put her in an uncomfortable place. Plus, the potential danger that could exist both personally and professionally made me hesitate. It was just a fucked up, tense situation. Once I saw her reaction and I walked by him and saw him, I couldn’t help myself. It was primal and I had to do it.
Jonas: You’re a fucking bad ass and I’m glad I get to perform in the same city as you. Where can people find you online to follow what you’re doing leading up to your album?
Amber: Thank you! My Week at The Creek will be Jan 27th to Feb 1st at 7pm each night. Social Media, you can find me at @ambercrollo on Twitter & Instagram. Plus you can go to my website, www.amberrollo.com, for info and performance dates.
Well there you have it, Broke-Ass readers! Get on out to The Creek and The Cave to check out Amber & her opening acts throughout the week and be the first to hear her album before it’s recorded. Until next time, support your local artists and independent content creators!