
We Wanna Send You to See OMCA’s “Hella Feminist” Exhibit!

Updated: Sep 07, 2022 10:22
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Are you “Hella Feminist”? Find out at OMCA‘s perfectly timed, new exhibition, “Hella Feminst.” It’ll challenge your perceptions of feminism and inspire you to continue the work. We’re uper excited to team up with OMCA to send three lucky winners and their plus ones to see the show for free!

Get tickets for your people now right here, or enter our giveaway below to win a free pair!

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Lizzie Locker - Events Editor

Lizzie Locker - Events Editor

Lizzie Locker has been an artist, entertainer, and “glamour girl” since birth. Since 2017, Lizzie has been writing professionally for small businesses, as well as creatively. She has published essays in VIE Magazine, and has written website and social media content for pole dance studios, afterschool programs, and reference sites. At the same time, Lizzie has also continued to develop her performance career at queer nightlife events across the Bay Area. She can be found both onstage and off, reading her stories aloud in bars, emceeing drag and burlesque shows, and producing arts events that defy genre and expectation.