Why There’s No BAS Voter Guide for This Election
We are really excited to announce that BrokeAssStuart.
Every buck donated will help us to keep covering local artists, arts non-profits, and small businesses that we want to keep thriving in the Bay. For us, having strongly independent journalism and coverage of arts and culture is more important now, than ever.
Unfortunately, since we now take tax-free donations, that means we can no longer publish voter guides as we have in the past, at least none where we endorse candidates.
It’s a bummer, but we need to prioritize the promotion of people and institutions in the Bay that really matter to us and our readers. And if that means we have to behave like a 501(c)(3) to do it, that’s what we will do.
We can still do voter guides for propositions! But it won’t be until the November election. And we need to consult a legal expert before we do so, so that we follow all the proper rules and regulations.
That said, if you or anyone you know is looking for a tax-deductible way to help keep local journalism alive you can find our donation page right here 🙂
Howdy! My name is Katy Atchison and I'm an Associate Editor for Broke-Ass Stuart.
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