
30 Mar 2009

Stripping: “Desparate Measures More Acceptable”

I probably wouldn’t address stripper trends unless it meant drastic price reductions, but I had an interesting encounter tangentially related to recession’s effect on skin shows. Last Sunday I met a friend of a friend. It was 6 pm and she had woken up moments before, still drunk from her

29 Mar 2009

The Remedy for Your Sunday Morning Palsy

When it comes to Sunday morning coming down, the city’s homo denizens pretty much have a routine worked out, whether it be brunch, salsa, or the beer bust.  What happens after those wrap up has always been a little problematic if you aren’t completely shattered or haven’t already followed someone

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
29 Mar 2009

Heart Schmeart, Eat 30 Bacon dishes for $10 Today in Williamsburg

It’s hard to improve on the poster, except to point out that a less stylized version would have the pig’s throat slit, the body thrown into an old bath tub of boiling water to remove the hair, and a butcher getting ready to slice off its ass to make the

28 Mar 2009

Broke-Ass Stuart on and the NY Daily News

For all of you that have been following the site, you know that I had a HUGE book reading/signing/walking tour on March 20th.  And guess what?  It was BAD ASS!  So much so that David Wells from decided to show up and make an awesome video about it.  You should totally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
28 Mar 2009

The Really, Really Free Market THIS Sunday

These guys have their canvassing down because I was offered the same pamplet 4 times in 30 minutes at Stubag’s book reading last week. It’s the same flyer as the Feb.22 event with the old date scratched out and 3/29 handwritten in, which makes all the animosity disappear. The idea

27 Mar 2009

You giveth, you damn right I taketh: The really really free market

How is it that hippies save my ass every time? Just when I’m flat broke and have $65 in my bank account [because of moving and it being the end of the month], the Really Really Free Market pops up. Yes, that’s not just reiteration to get you to come…only

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
27 Mar 2009

Brine On, You Crazy Diamond!

Two truths are that everybody loves oysters (everyone cool, that is) and that oysters are generally prohibitively expensive. Unless you’re dating the shucker at Aquagrill or Blue Ribbon, oysters are a special occasion splurge or a last ditch attempt to get a date to stop texting and pay attention. Until

BAS Writers 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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