
05 Jun 2015

FREE Donuts Today at Krispy Kreme for National Donut Day

Friday, June 5, 2015 is National Doughnut Day, supposedly a real holiday created in 1938 by the Salvation Army to honor volunteers who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War I. Here’s a list of Krispy Locations hooking you up with a FREE donut today Friday, June 5, 2015 Bay Area

05 Jun 2015

Beautifully Scored and Directed Video about SF Artist Jason Jägel

Sometimes artists make beautiful things.  And sometimes, artists make beautiful things about other artists.  This is a film about Jason Jägel, art, and San Fransisco’s Mission District.  Released today by Director Noe Chavez Directed By: Noe Chavez Produced By: Sean Lake Cinematography: Noe Chavez Colorist: Ayumi Ashley Sound Design: Chris Konovaliv Title

05 Jun 2015

Best Bad Tattoos on the Internet

We scoured the internet to bring you the most deliciously bad tattoos known to man.  Enjoy Most Life-like Portrait  Best…’Swag’ Tattoo  Best Culinary Tattoo Best Pun Best Taste in Music   Most Culturally Sensitive Tattoo    Sexiest Brand Placement Tattoo    Most Likely To Be Murdered in Prison Award    Most Likely

05 Jun 2015

BAS Pride 2015: The Q-Sides Opening Night Party! (6/5)

Every once in a while you get the chance to be part of something beyond cool. The Q-Sides, a joint project by Vero Majano, Kari Orvik and DJ Brown Amy, is this for me. It’s the kind of project that makes you feel like the city we love, the gente

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
04 Jun 2015

Free Theater This Weekend: Insane Shakespeare Musical at Yerba Buena Gardens

The theatrical event of the season is playing outdoors for free this weekend at the Yerba Buena Gardens. Taketh thine broke ass to see “Timon: The Musical – An Alfresco Musical Adventure”, a madcap, modern-day, big-budget musical production of “Timon of Athens” — roundly considered to be one of Shakespeare’s

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
04 Jun 2015

Artist In Residence Position Is Up For Grabs @RecologySF

If you’re a professional artist, or know one in the Bay Area, Recology SF is once again filling it’s artist in residency program. This is the same program that empowered Ma Li’s living sculpture and fueled her performance at the Asian Art Museum. This program has supported a great many talented and amazing

03 Jun 2015

Win Tickets to johnnyswim @ the regency!

  There are approximately 2,000 miles between Nashville and Los Angeles. Both cities are home to JOHNNYSWIM. However, the duo’s music far transcends that distance. It’s easy to understand why A Prairie Home Companion declared that Abner Ramirez and Amanda Sudano Ramirez (daughter of Donna Summer) are “21st century troubadours.”

illyannam 0

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