Steamboat: FREE Sexy Comedy Reading
Watching comedians on TV is all right, but the beeps where there should be swearing really detracts from the overall enjoyment. It’s not anywhere near as tragic as when movies get edited for TV and they replace words like “sex” with “the session” and you die a little bit inside. If you’re in the mood for some uncensored story telling full of  innuendo and sexy times, Greenlight Bookstore has you covered tomorrow night. Steamboat, their monthly humor reading series, is inspired by Scott Jacobson’s new book “Sex: our bodies, our junk” and will feature readers from the “association for the betterment of sex.” It’s an addition of Steamboat that will be guaranteed to have a motorboat reference.
photo from
Steamboat! Sex: Our bodies, Our junk
Greenlight Bookstore
686 Fulton Street between Lafayette and Greene Street [Fort Greene, Brooklyn]
Thursday, September 23 7:30pm