BAS Pride 2014: Pride Party Ticket Give-Away, Bingo & Chickens at NO NO BINGO TONIGHT! (6/23)
Lifted up on a summer breeze and blowing through the jasmine in your mind, Pride 2014 is here dear readership and, as always, we here at BAS want to keep you appraised of every opportunity that is available to colour our world with pride and burn bright like a homo without actually leaving your pocketbook in flames.
To start off the queerest week of the year, we turn you to that newest Mission mooring, Virgil’s Sea Room, to provide you with some Monday night shits and giggles and the possibility to win free entry to just about every opportunity there is this week to get a little warm and fuzzy with other warm and fuzzies. Plus, it’s a neighbourhood queer and here (unlike our dear departed, Esta Noche) and the bingo-nalia is hosted by nightlife darlings VivvyAnne ForeverMORE! and DJ Carnita. And even if you don’t win tickets, there is a real possibility of winning a pie or rotisserie chicken and enjoying a tipple named after a drag empress on their lovely veranda while eavesdropping on the shit show that is dollar drink night at El Rio next door (or better yet, put your toes in for a dip). ¡Salud!
No No Bingo is GAY (and Free)
Monday, June 23, 2014 8:00p.m.- 11:00 p.m.
Virgil’s Sea Room
3152 Mission Street (@ Precita)
[Outer Mission/ Bernal Heights]