
28 Nov 2010

Pet Rats: The Perfect Companions for City Dwellers

Ever walk around your city, looking up at apartment buildings with all those lives piled one on top of the other and wonder, “How the hell am I lonely?”  When I first moved to New York eight years ago, it was a pretty regular occurrence for me. Since then, I’ve

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
27 Nov 2010

Broke-Ass Porn: Free Condoms

Once a week we present Broke-Ass Porn. It’s visually stimulating material for the financially impaired. If this shit doesn’t get you going, you’re not as broke as you thought.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Nov 2010

Party Like Bruce Lee Party

If you’ve ever had a hankering for a killer Bruce Lee tattoo, then tonight is your chance!  In celebration of Mr. Lee’s brithday, Amor Eterno Tattoo and Art Space are offering $25 Bruce Lee tattoos at their PARTY LIKE BRUCE LEE party.  In addition to honoring his memory by permanently

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
27 Nov 2010

Enter Funktown with Gordon Voidwell at The Bell House

For those of you who aren’t trapped in the frozen tundra that is Michigan, shimmy on over to The Bell House this evening to see a new revolution take place with electropop acts Gordon Voidwell and company sharing the stage. Voidwell or “Will” has been getting a lot of ink

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
26 Nov 2010

Poon Can Fix Anything

When I was in New York a few weeks ago, I stopped by a Soho boutique called In God We Trust and made what I consider to be my best jewelry purchase to date: a brass necklace that has “kiss me where I pee” inscribed in pretty little cursive on

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0
26 Nov 2010

Sing Your Way to $500 at Japantown Karaoke Contest

The thing about karaoke is that you either love it or you hate it.  There’s really no ambivalent feelings where the art of singing cheesy ’80s songs to an audience of completer strangers is concerned.  I happen to be in the first camp of people, the camp that kind of

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
26 Nov 2010

Spend Black Friday Bowling at Brooklyn Bowl

By some estimates, the average Thanksgiving meal is approximately 3,500 calories. That excessive, and the ensuting emotional/guilt toll only makes it worse. You likely feel pretty awful right now just thinking about it it. Which is why spending the day bowling might be a good solution. Not only will you give


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