
21 Feb 2009

Free Store – Load up on stuff and karma!

One summer I lived in Hana, Maui.  I hitch hiked to work where I waited tables with Aunties ‘“ old Hawaiian grandmothers. On a day off I went to Red Sand Beach. Although it was “prohibited” because it bordered a traditional burial ground, you could always count on some haole

20 Feb 2009

Broke-Ass Stuart interview in SF State paper

    Check out this interview. It just came out yesterday.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
19 Feb 2009

Smelly Fingers at Recession Prices on Wednesdays

        Does anyone else have a hanger breaking problem in thrift stores?  I feel like fucking Lennie from Of Mice and Men.  Last time I went to Goodwill I broke at least 10 trying to sift through the overstuffed racks.  I’m thinking, “here’s a nice Hugo Boss dress shirt with

19 Feb 2009

Press Conference to Save Bay to Breakers Today!

  This is YOUR race so come out and show your support!  It takes place at 11:30am on the steps of SF’s City Hall.  See you there!   To learn more about the cause, go here

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Feb 2009

Brand New Broke-Ass Stuart Interview!

      The lovely ladies of Whateverishly interviewed me recently.  It’s came out pretty funny.  Read it here.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Feb 2009

Punjabi – Taxi Drivers Know Best

      Unlike many of you, I went to the Sunday Show after party for the open Absinthe bar where the fire eater, go-go dancer, and juggler stood out through the thin crowd. Despite the potential for something awesome, expectations weren’t met (nothing caught on fire!) until I ordered an

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Feb 2009

Press Conference to Help Save Bay to Breakers on Thursday

by Broke-Ass Stuart     For all those who’ve been keeping up on the whole ruining of Bay to Breakers ordeal, I’ve got some interesting news.  The Citizens for the Preservation of Bay to Breakers, a group of which I’m on the committee, has decided to hold a press conference on the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0

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