
12 Feb 2009

Wanna Help Save Bay 2 Breakers?

By Broke-Ass Stuart     If so then here’s some things you can do by just clicking a bunch of shit on your keyboard:   *Join this Facebook Group: Citizens for the Preservation of Bay 2 Breakers   *Sign this Petition: Save Bay to Breakers   More than anything I

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 Feb 2009

How To Not Be A Cathy Comic Stereotype and/or Super Cheesy on V-Day

      Do you ever feel like you’re just one pint of chunky monkey away from uttering ‘œwake me up when I’m a size five?’  Are you afraid of cheapening your relationship with your significant other by falling into the traps laid out for you by the Valentines Day

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
11 Feb 2009

Good vs. Evil

by Broke-Ass Stuart – Editor in Cheap   Today was a strange day in the ongoing battle between all that is good in this world and all that is evil.  Both sides had major victories, but who the winner is, it’s hard to say.     On one hand, we

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
10 Feb 2009

SF: Cheap Bags that are Good for the Environment

  by Monica the Intern       Being eco-friendly isn’t always easy on a budget. If you’re new to the game, it seems a lot more trendy than it should be, right? I remember when my parents would bring their bags back to the grocery store from previous trips and everyone

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
10 Feb 2009

NY: Getting Laid…Off

    New York, New York, big city of dreams…ugh…shit ain’t so pretty these days is it?  With the economy residing in Poopsville, more and more people are getting the “it’s not you, it’s me” speech from their employers.  Yes, pink slips are raining down on New York like a

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
09 Feb 2009

NY: Where Not to Order Specialty Martini’s…The Holland Bar

  I went to Holland Bar to verify a NY Times article.  I left thinking it was like Cheers. Not cable TV, Beacon Hill, Boston Cheers. This is “HBO Special” Hell’s Kitchen Cheers.  The “Open” sign on the door was hand written on a half-sheet of computer paper.  The Spartan selection

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0
07 Feb 2009

Free Sunday Standup = Free Laughs + maybe a little fart that squeaks out

  Going to free stand up comedy shows is like trying to swallow pills made for horses: sometimes it goes well, other times it just doesn’t and you want to die.  About a year ago I went to a small standup show in a backroom the size of a refrigerator

A Color Green - Wesley Snipe's Accountant 0

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