13 Sep 2010

Broke Ass Laundry: Don’t Dry Clean. Save Money.

Some comedian whose name I’ll probably be crucified for forgetting once said: “This shirt is dry-clean only.  That means it’s dirty.”  And we all laugh because, yeah!  Mine too! Everyone knows that dry cleaning is stupid expensive. For that reason many of us try to get more than one wear

BAS Writers 0 Read More
14 Jun 2010

Flying the Not-So Friendly Skies: Airplane Etiquette

I don’t know anyone who enjoys flying. Let me be more specific, I don’t know anyone who enjoys flying COACH. Sure it’s a hell of a lot more convenient then traditional transportation, but it’s been a long time since people flew in their Sunday best and flight attendants actually served

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0 Read More
22 May 2010

After Hours Fantasy

When forced to work late at an office in Time Square sometimes there is nothing better to do than to carry out all the things from which you have been holding back. To do those bold acts, finally, while you privately rue the day you decided to throw your family’s

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0 Read More
07 Apr 2010

Jesus Says ‘Skip Church; Seek Comedy’ at Sunday Night Live

Swear to God: Last Sunday, His Holy Highness spoke to me through a piece of wheat toast onto which his face was burnt. He said, “Mr. Rox,” – the J-Man is very formal like that – “unless you want to get manhandled by a priest, you should stay in bed

Mikey Rox - Cut-Rate Copywriter 0 Read More
18 Mar 2010

Broke-Ass of the Week- Sketch Comedy Group, Good Neighbor

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit…probably not.

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0 Read More

50% off New Glasses + Free Shipping!

We wrote about the 6 rad reasons why shopping for glasses on GlassesUSA.com will change the way you buy glasses forever. You can read about that here. But here's the important part: YOU GET 50% OFF + free shipping on your first pair of frames. Click to find out more!

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap
27 Jan 2010

Slideshow and Tell/ FREE Comedy Show

Slideshow and Tell There is no outlet like show and tell in the adult world. In elementary school, you got your five minutes a week to get your classmates excited about the shell you found on the beach, and you’d get to hear about their new pet kittens or robot

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0 Read More
26 Oct 2009

WHIPLASH: FREE Comedy Every Monday Night

In New York, there are two options for going to comedy clubs: There are the kind that charge a pint of plasma for a cover, have drink minimums on their $9 drinks made with well liquor that should be used to polish silverware and the comedians who base their routines

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0 Read More
15 Oct 2009

5 Underappreciated Funny Ladies

  Dead asshole and increasingly irrelevant journalist Christopher Hitchens famously posited in the January ’07 issue of Vanity Fair that women just aren’t funny because, instead, they are pretty and so they don’t need to be funny and so that’s why no women are funny. His game here is that he

BAS Writers 0 Read More