15 Aug 2009

Not for the Feint of Heart Performance Art

I am awed by many things in New York ‘“ the women in spike heels lugging their lives on their shoulders who still manage to look captivating, the indefatigability of the squirrels in Washington Square Park come fall, and the strangely comforting bellow of the subway evangelical preachers.  But, one

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0 Read More
14 Aug 2009

Taqueria Guadalajara – Magical Shrimp Tacos Sent from God

Often times your loyalty to a particular taqueria is solely based on it’s proximity to your house.  If you’re lucky, you live near one of the City’s shining stars like El Farolito, Taqueria Cancun, or one of my new favorites Los Coyotes.  These days, the taco shop that I pledge

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0 Read More
13 Aug 2009

6 Places For An Afternoon Delight in San Francisco

I’m not drinking right now. I know, I must have finally fallen off my rocker, right? I’m going insane for this diet I’m on and I’m totally trying to do everything I can, but I’m still having a hard time showing off my…feathers. If you know what I’m saying. Here’s

Monica Miller - The Intern 0 Read More
13 Aug 2009

New York, I Love You

I had planned to write about something else entirely today, until I read Stuart’s post.  I recently moved to Boston from NYC and if I talked about how much that emotion that change brought– how much I love New York and I how I know I’ll be back because I

BAS Writers 0 Read More
13 Aug 2009

Hula on Down the Road – Hit and Run Hula this Saturday

Rare is the day that this city feels tropical, but there exists a fair-sized contingent that hails from the beautiful Hawai’ian isles to the west that, with their beautiful culture, warms us frigid mainlanders and imagine that we live in a kinder warmer place. Saturday, August 15, Patrick Makuakane and

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0 Read More

50% off New Glasses + Free Shipping!

We wrote about the 6 rad reasons why shopping for glasses on GlassesUSA.com will change the way you buy glasses forever. You can read about that here. But here's the important part: YOU GET 50% OFF + free shipping on your first pair of frames. Click to find out more!

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap
12 Aug 2009

The Difference Between San Francisco and New York

This piece is the intro Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in New York City I’m sitting now in my Bushwick apartment coming to terms with the realization that my time here in this strange and brutal city is quickly coming to an end.  I maintain that, no matter how much

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0 Read More
12 Aug 2009

The Lion Pub – Not Just for Bros Anymore

Imagine taking a vacation to an island that’s a dark and steamy jungle, filled with tropical foliage and tame animals. You’re cozying up next to the fire pit, sipping a freshly squeezed mojito surrounded by the attractive natives. Sound appealing? Well, you’re poor and that’s probably not going to happen

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst 0 Read More
11 Aug 2009

Dolores Park Etiquette – Part 2 – Hipster Hill

Welcome to the second installation of our three part series, Dolores Park Etiquette.  This week we are focusing on Hipster Hill: Dolores Park used to be for everyone. A place where hippies, junkies, hipsters, moms, kids, dogs, tennis players, garbage collectors, creepster wack job drum circles and everyone in between

Monica Miller - The Intern 0 Read More