
21 Jul 2016

You Might Meet Your Soulmate at Bender’s Bar & Grill

Twenty years from now, when your kids are old enough to know better but young enough to not give a fuck, they’ll be searching for places like Bender’s. Places where the religion is loud rock and roll, the sacrament is stiff drinks, and the scripture is graffiti tagged on a bathroom stall.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
21 Jul 2016

How the War on Drugs Fuels Racism

Ending the Drug War is the best way to heal the divide between police and the communities they serve. Now that it’s basically impossible to ignore this grotesque and increasingly militarized divide between police and the communities they serve everybody has his or her own band-aid they’d like to slap

21 Jul 2016

The Best Late Night Grub in Detroit After Drinking 15 PBRs

Last Friday I turned 30, so of course, I got drunk and ate like shit. Since it wasn’t on my tab, I didn’t drown in Stroh’s and Canadian Club this time, instead, I killed my liver in a fancier way with Ghettoblaster and Grass Widow. Either way, I still had

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0
20 Jul 2016

Is Being Monogamous or Polyamorous a Choice?

Even though it is widely accepted that people can be attracted – even love – multiple people at once, there is a heated divide on whether Polyamory or Monogamy is an innate “orientation” or a “Lifestyle choice.” Is being polyamorous like being gay? Or is it like an extended vacation

A. Rose 0
20 Jul 2016

Teach-In to Support Black Lives Matter

If you remember last week was the Emergency Meeting to Support Black Lives Matter. It was a fantastic success. A few hundred people showed up who were all willing to put in the work and have the hard conversations necessary to move forward towards racial equality. Today, Wednesday July 20th

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
20 Jul 2016

Dear Candace, Is it Racist to Prefer Asian Women?

Dear Candace, Why are dudes who are into Asian women considered racist? How is it different than when someone prefers blondes? It’s not that big a deal. Let’s begin by noting that it always, always, sucks to be called out for your physical attributes alone, even in admiration. This is,

Candace Cui - Actual Unicorn 0
19 Jul 2016

We wanna send you and a friend to see comedian Ben Bailey of Cash Cab!

  Before Ben Bailey got behind the wheel of The Cash Cab, he began his career as a stand up comedian. As a young man, Bailey left his home in a small town in New Jersey and headed to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of a career in show business. Just

illyannam 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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