Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler

Don’t Stop Believing, Giants Fans!
In case you’ve been living under a VERY LARGE ROCK, your San Francisco Giants* are currently leading the NLDS against the Atlanta Braves after that torturous series against the Padres to win the NL West. Naturally, the best way to support your team in a postseason like this is to

Broke Ass Porn: Friends with Benefits
Before you start getting all randy, get your minds out of the gutter – I’m not talking about that “friend” who comes over at 2:30 in the morning because you have a fifth of Jack Daniels and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s you had to polish off. That territory

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Get Stuffed by an NBA Legend at Big Nate’s BBQ 20th Anniversary Party
If you’ve never been to Big Nate’s BBQ in SoMa then you’re not only missing out on a delicious and nap-inducing lunch, but you’re also missing your chance to hang out with NBA legend, former Golden State Warriors all-star and BBQ aficionado Big Nate Thurmond himself. Luckily, this Saturday from

Tonight: FREE Happy Hour Comedy Returns to Madrone
It’s been awhile since the starts have aligned for me to make it over to Madrone on Divis for one of their first-Wednesdays Comedy Happy Hours, but the jokes I do remember between the $2 PBRs and dollar-off drafts from the last one were a HILARIOUS mix of insightful stand-up

Last Minute Love: The Haighteration Happy Hour at Mad Dog in the Fog
Haighteration, the only blog you need for news from the gunshots-and-cheap-beer side of the Haight (as opposed to the Sit/Lie and microbrews side of the Haight) is throwing their first official Haighteration Happy Hour tonight at Mad Dog in the Fog starting at 5pm. Our friend Andrew (not me) who

FREE and Cheap Litquake Events All Week Long and All Over Town
We may have missed last night’s FREE Night of the Living Read event that kicked off this year’s Litquake Literary Festival in San Francisco, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have plenty more opportunities to mingle with writers, novelists, poets and various other wordsmiths during the rest of the week.

Getting Philanthropy to Pay Off (Finally)
By definition, being charitable and philanthropic means removing yourself from your self-absorbed cocoon of cheap beer and a DVR full of Jersey Shore reruns to think about someone else for a little bit. But let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment – even if you’re just looking for a

Skullz Press Returns to Bender’s Bearing Cheap Beer Tonight
It’s been a couple months since Mike Giant, San Francisco’s patron saint of beer, bicycles and tattoo art has thrown one of his always-legendary drinking and biking sessions at Benders in the Mission. If you’re looking to drink cheap beer with some attractive people under unflattering lighting than there is