David Sikorski

Standing Rock Fight Continues as Pipeline Company Refuses Government Order
The headlines coming from major news outlets are misleading. Although many were quick to jump for celebration, the fight has only temporarily been slowed down but is far from over. Hundreds of vets battle the winter storms to peacefully march toward the front lines and through the Standing Rock camp

Watch out! LucasFilm’s Will Sue You For A Lightsaber Battle
This past week, the Lightsaber Battle event, made popular during the release of the latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens film, recieved a cease-and-desist letter from LucasFilms for the use of “infringing words.” According to LucasFilms, the word LIGHTSABER is completely owned by Disney and cannot be used in any

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Bay Area Residents Recycle Super Bowl City To Build Homes For The Homeless
For people sleeping on the streets, having no real shelter and trying to battle exposure to the elements, every night is a constant battle to survive. Many of these people can’t afford to wait months on end for a city to scout new shelter locations, vote on new laws, hire

Your Survival Guide To Avoiding SantaCon SF
Winter is coming! It’s that wonderful time of year where the city is filled with holiday music, candy canes, ornaments and hordes of drunk bros and bro-ettes in santa outfits parading through the sidewalks in embarasing masses. Of course, I’m speaking of ‘SantaCon’ (insert cringe). Since it’s inception in 1994,

10 Movies You Forgot Took Place in San Francisco
Over the years, Hollywood filmmakers and directors have sought out the city by the bay as the set for some of the most iconic movies of all time. In the last year, it seems that the majority of films are taking place in San Francisco more than any other city. Here are a few films over the years that you may have forgotten or didn’t know took place in our fair city.

Startups Hold ‘Clean Dolores Park Day’…But Did Anyone Show Up?
On Sunday, August 2, the San Francisco tech community attempted to make amends for the disastrous press they received last week from the mess left behind during a startup’s confetti filled party at Dolores Park. The official Facebook event was titled, ‘Startups Clean Dolores Park, and was intended for those within the

SF’s First Ever ‘Ginger Pride Day’ (*Update)
Calling all Gingers! Following the Supreme Court’s vote in favor of same-sex marriage last month, an even greater historic and landmark day will be taking place in San Francisco tomorrow.