Donna Rose - Bankrupt Blonde

Throw A Broke-Ass Halloween Party
The Spookiest Time of the Year is upon us! Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet? I’m having a hard time deciding between Sexy Office Worker and Sexy Blogger. In other words, I’m not dressing up as anything. What does this look like, the third grade?

Baby You Can Ride My Bike
You know when you’re sitting in your car in gridlocked traffic, cursing the world and wishing you could just get home while knowing you have to face another day of traffic again tomorrow? Or when you bump into someone with your car and instead of letting you go they insist

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Upside of Fall
It’s Fall! Winter’s sneaky little sidekick is creeping up on us quickly. As I write this you may be chopping down a bundle of firewood to get you through the upcoming frozen hell of whatever place you live in. Fall hasn’t reached California yet. We are still blessed with jacket-optional

My Favorite Afternoon Delight
Sometimes when you are broke, there are very few ways to indulge in self-gratification. I am thinking of two in particular and I’m pretty sure you can guess what one of them is. If you guessed reading, you are right! You don’t win anything, sorry. But you do get

The Best Ways To Spend Two Dollars
I have $2 in cash right now. That’s it. I have money in my savings, in case shit gets real, but as for budgeted money I can spend, TWO DOLLARS. I was thinking about this today and remembering past days when my number was in the negative. I’d have to

Coupon Party the Pants-Free Way
At the risk of sounding like a loud-mouth, white trash, pageant mom, I GOT Y’ALL SOMETHIN’ TA SAY, GODDERNUT! I love coupons! I do. There comes a time, at the end of your grocery store run, when the coupons come out of the cash register with your receipt. That is

Poor People Problems: Pests
There are certain universal problems that people of lesser-affluence share. Besides ignoring serious medical issues, being too broke to put an egg in your Top Ramen and being forced to wear the Kardashian clothing line at Sears, there is the very frustrating issue of dealing with the Slumlord. Rents

How To Potentially Trip Balls Without Tripping Balls
According to the love of my life, Wikipedia, a sensory deprivation tank is a “lightless, soundproof tank inside which subjects float in salt water at skin temperature.” Once again, that sly bastard is right. I now know from experience due to a recent trip to the one on my block.