
DIY Venues Put On Badass Shows for Brooklyn’s Broke-Ass Audiences
Across the country, performers are forgoing traditional routes to stage time, opting instead to set up DIY shows. Even network shows like Crashing, Lady Dynamite, and Maron have illustrated how unusual spaces like laundromats, living rooms, and art studios are converted into spaces for artists to hone their craft. Many

So Your Hero is a Monster: Dealing with Disillusionment
Heroes are humans, and when they are ruined, when their actions come to light, you didn’t ruin them by telling people. They ruined themselves.

The Best Anti-Nazi Themed Cocktails
Created by Bartenders against Nazi’s, inspired by neo-fascist Richard B. Spencer getting punched in the face

The Definitive Guide To Doing Psychedelics In NYC
By: Rebecca Rush Psychs and the City “The best place in NYC to go on psychedelics is South Beach, says Kat Toledo, former New Yorker, current comedian and South Beach resident. “Upstate is also nice.” While it may seem counterintuitive, taking psychedelics in New York City is a wonderful opportunity

Meet The Performance Artist and Drag Queen Shanita Bump
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress who thinks he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a difference,

Meet The 46 Year Old School Teacher Who Became A Drag Queen
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress who thinks he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a difference,

Pinwheel Pinwheel Is Our Psychedelic, Eclectic NYC Drag Queen Of The Week
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress who thinks he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a difference,

A Gay, Jewish-Palestinian Married Couple, Made a Hilarious Cartoon Series
The gay, Jewish-Palestinian married standup duo brought to life their endless real-life comedic content through a new cartoon series illustrated by Jesse Brown. I have to say the couple’s cartoons are simply delightful, and they nearly made me shoot coffee out of my nose while reading them one morning. Equally