Arts and Culture

18 Jan 2011

Hey Williamsburg: What The Hell Is That Place?

Have you ever walked down the street in Williamsburg, for example, and been like: what the hell is that place? Those paper mache horses in the window and unwieldy name seem to indicate that it’s an art gallery, etc etc. Most of the time the answer IS art gallery, but

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
17 Jan 2011

Harold Night at Upright Citizen’s Brigade

Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre is by far the best comedy club in NYC. It kinda looks like a garage, so you don’t feel like some dude in an ill-fitting jacket is going to yell at you for not reaching the drink minimum. But more importantly, every show at UCB is

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
16 Jan 2011

FREE Popcorn and that Warm Fuzzy Feeling You Get From Doing Good

Wednesday night: You are most likely watching your iPhone tick down the minutes to the weekend or bored because all days blend together and you have no idea what day it is or where your outside shoes are. Or, heck, maybe your Wednesday is your Saturday. No matter your specific

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter 0
16 Jan 2011

FREE Museum Happenings Tomorrow Courtesy of MLK, Jr.

It goes without saying that we have many things to thank Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for, including, for most of us, a day off work on Monday.  To commemorate the birth of The King and his influence as a leading activist of the Civil Rights Movement, the city has

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
15 Jan 2011

Underground Rebel Bingo Club Tonight

I’m always weary off things dubbed an “overseas sensation”, usually it involves Puppetry of the Penis, DragonBall Z, or other culturally confusing phenomenon. But throw “secret” on front of an event and I’m all in. Bingo has undergone a number of transformations over the years. What’s usually associated with church

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
15 Jan 2011

Keep it classy at BAM Cafe

Sometimes, you want to feel fancy. You need a break from warm PBRs and using a paper towel to touch the bathroom doorknob from time to time, and that’s perfectly OK. Sometimes you gotta treat yourself like the classy guy/gal on the town you tell people you’ll someday be, and

Jill S. 0
14 Jan 2011

California League of Adult Scavenger Hunters 2011 Season Opening Tomorrow Night!

When I first came to San Francisco, I didn’t know many people.  Two activities (three if excessive solo drinking at bars counts) connected me with my current group of friends:  Moving in with roommates from Craigslist and joining a sports league.  While the former is undoubtedly a direct channel to

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
14 Jan 2011

Exercise Your Imagination at this Year’s Air Sex World Championships

Of all the extremely compelling things about the east coast regionals of this year’s Air Sex World Championships, few are more humorous than the subtle irony in the event occurring on the same date as the first Nerd Nite of the year. The two events may not be mutually exclusive in terms of their fanbases, but