Arts and Culture

27 Jul 2010

See the Oakland A’s for $2

Baseball was once America’s past time and a sport that the common man could get behind.  The A’s are trying to bring that sentiment back to the people by having ludicrously cheap tickets for Wednesday home games.  For just $2 you can score a seat at the stadium and watch

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Jul 2010

Alternate Plans: The National Tonight in Prospect Park

So tonight’s Celebrate Brooklyn concert featuring The National has been sold out for months,  as every ticket was immediately seized by bearded dudes willing to pay $35 to stand upright and sway gently to Matt Berninger’s dreamy baritone. Don’t be upset it’s sold out – are you really in the

Polina Yamshchikov - Flirt Poor 0
26 Jul 2010

Karaoke Killed the Cat at Brooklyn Bowl

Most nights out in New York force some difficult decision making: dance party? karaoke? dirty bar? bowling? Why do these need to be mutually exclusive? At Brooklyn Bowl on Mondays, they don’t. Karaoke Killed the Cat is a FREE karaoke night that promises to be both karaoke for people who

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
26 Jul 2010

Movies for Less at Cobble Hill Cinemas

Movies are fucking expensive. Seriously, finding a theater that will let you escape reality for less than $12 in this city is practically unheard of. It’s not just tickets: I recently paid $4.50 for a bottle of Dasani (102 degree heat wave, I was desperate okay?) at a theater in

Polina Yamshchikov - Flirt Poor 0
26 Jul 2010

The Great Beach Debate: East Coast vs West Coast

Having recently traveled to Hermosa Beach in California, and consecutively attempted to hit up all of New York beaches, I feel like each has something to offer. These two coastlines couldn’t be more different, and that’s mostly because of the people who flock to them rather than the physical landscape

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
25 Jul 2010

What It Means to Sweat

As I sit here roasting (though, I concede that the presence of sweat makes it closer to a water saute) I feel that familiar desire that comes with discomfort. It’s 91 degrees, and my forearms are coated in a thin layer of sweat. This is disturbing, as the only exertion I’ve undergone

25 Jul 2010

Burlesque at the Beach

Burlesque shows are usually somewhat expensive, which I feel is justified because most of the routines involve stuff I would only be doing in my nightmares, like having knives thrown at me while wearing a top hat and pasties. However, the twice-weekly Burlesque at the Beach show in Coney Island

Katy B. - Economic Inexpert 0
24 Jul 2010

Come to SHAKEOUTTTTTT 3: The Sea Giveth, The Sea Taketh Away

Well as the cheesy weatherman on TV say, it’s another “scorcher” out there. Sure you could go to the movies, maybe a museum to escape the heat, but why not take advantage of New York’s short but sweet beach season and get your ass over to Far Rockaway for some

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0