Arts and Culture

15 Oct 2009

5 Underappreciated Funny Ladies

  Dead asshole and increasingly irrelevant journalist Christopher Hitchens famously posited in the January ’07 issue of Vanity Fair that women just aren’t funny because, instead, they are pretty and so they don’t need to be funny and so that’s why no women are funny. His game here is that he

BAS Writers 0
15 Oct 2009

Be Prepared-Where Were You in ’89?

One easy way to tell which city dwellers have grown up in the Golden State and which ones haven’t is that Californians tend to be fond of referencing ‘œearthquake weather’, usually have some bottles of water, an economy sized box of ramen or cans stashed somewhere, and swap stories about

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
15 Oct 2009

Washington Square Park Redux

“Washington Square Park is in the process of being destroyed and forcibly crammed down the throat of Greenwich Village as a cookie-cutter, picturesque, tourist-photo-background friendly zone.” “Washington Square Park is being renovated and remade into a more safe, wholesome, aesthetically pleasing place to go.” Well, that’s the controversy. Is the

Joe Petersen - Classist Columnist 0
15 Oct 2009

6 Tracks To Make You More Productive At Work

Sometimes you just need to shut everything out, and just concentrate on work (whether you care about it or not!).  Which is why god (aka Steve Jobs) invented ipods.  But what to listen to?  You can’t simply put it on “shuffle” and see where fate may take you.  No, sir

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
14 Oct 2009

HumpDay Videos: George Michael “Freedom 90”

We here at Broke-Ass Stuart remember a kinder, gentler, funkier time when there was an entire network devoted to playing awesome new music videos. Men named Pinfield and women named Idalis would introduce block after block of original music videos from various genres interspersed with interviews with musicians and video

BAS Writers 0
14 Oct 2009

FREE Zine Panel Discussion at ABC No Rio

It’s hard to find places that are more badass than ABC No Rio. They started out as an illegal art exhibition, and has turned into one of the biggest zine libraries in the country. (They also have a darkroom and silkscreening facilities at very reasonable rates). For the past six

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
13 Oct 2009

Try 16 Wines for $5 with Spencer and Daniels

This is pretty much how I imagine all of my readers to look like: 18th century degenerate winos.  Ah…a boy can dream can’t he? Spencer and Daniels Wine Outlet are doing their crazy wine madness event again on Thursday.  There’s gonna be art, music, raffles and of course lots of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Oct 2009

NYC Fuck the Recession Party Wrap-Up

I’m currently on a bus heading back to NY after a few nights in Boston.  Yes, I know, it’s crazy that buses now have Wi-fi but remember when Ashley wrote about it?  Anyways, I’ve been on the road now for like 10 days so I haven’t really had a chance

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0