Artist you should know

05 May 2017

Nerdlesque : Cosplay Strip Tease

By: Hannah Harkness What do Spock, GladOS, Carl Sagan, Hermione, the cast of the Venture Brothers, Finn, Poison Ivy, Sailor Moon, Magneto, Krodos/Kang, Tank Girl, Wonder Woman, Pennywise, Loki, a Storm Trooper, Daria, Delirium, and Silent Hill nurses have in common? I have personally witnessed a striptease act based on all

Hannah Harkness 0
03 May 2017

Making Fashion Out of Tires & Organic Materials

They find used tires before they get thrown into a landfill or burned, and makes shoes and sandals out of them.

17 Apr 2017

Books from Banned Countries Part 4: Somalia

This is part of our Books from Banned Countries series. You can see them all here. You may think you know nothing about Somali literature, but you’re mistaken. Okay, perhaps you’re right and you can’t name a single Somali author. But unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere way, way

13 Apr 2017

Uma Rani Iyli : Artist You Should Know

The “Artist You Should Know” series highlights local artists before they exhibit their work somewhere awesome, it’s our way of supporting the creative community and helping to keep San Francisco a strange and wonderful place.  Meet artist Uma Rani Iyli, and see her work at the stARTup Art Fair opening April 28th at the

07 Apr 2017

Artist You Need To Know: Sam & Bill are Bad MotherFolkers

This week I was lucky enough to sit down with the up and coming NYC comedic music duo Sam & Bill. With their flawless blend of seemingly benign folk music, comedic lyrics, and fearless attitude, they are quickly becoming a local favorite in Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs. The duo, composed

Lauryn Petrie - NYC Editor 0
06 Apr 2017

Justin Teisl : Artist You Should Know

The “Artist You Should Know” series highlights local artists before they exhibit their work somewhere awesome, it’s our way of supporting the creative community and helping to keep San Francisco a strange and wonderful place.  Meet artist Justin Teisl, and see his work at the SFWA Gallery April 4th – May 6th. Name: Justin Teisl

02 Apr 2017

Gilbert Baker (1951-2017) Pride Flag Creator Saw The Bigger Picture

Gilbert Baker, an artist who in 1978 created the iconic Rainbow Flag, passed away on Friday at his home in New York City. He was 65 years old. Cause of death remains unknown at this time. An army veteran, Gilbert was stationed in San Francisco when he was honorably discharged

David-Elijah Nahmod 0
30 Mar 2017

Paul Madonna : Drawing through Dark Times in San Francisco

Hearing that Paul Madonna faced eviction after drawing SF in such a beautiful light for so many years and inspiring the bright-eyed optimists, it seemed like a bold betrayal. Maybe it was true. The city’s soul had been gobbled up by the heartless tech-fueled robot.

Guest Writer 0