
08 Oct 2020

SF’s 87 Public Monuments & What We Should Do With Them

You have seen them all all around our city, maybe you leaned against one during a walk through Golden Gate Park, or maybe you saw one on the news getting taken down with a crane.  Maybe you meet next one every year at 5:12 a.m. on April 18th, along with

01 Oct 2020

The Bohemian Streetcar Neighborhood On Ocean Beach, ‘Carville’ by the Sea

Carville, San Francisco.  The bohemian beach neighborhood created by San Francisco artists, and made out of discarded railcars that stood from 1895-1930’s.  Yes, this is a magical piece of SF History. In 1895 the Market Street Railway Company began selling old abandoned horse-drawn railcars, “$20 with seats, $10 without. ”

21 Sep 2020

How to Make Virtual Festivals Way Better

Burning Man went virtual this year, and we all learned a lot in a hurry. It wasn’t the first festival to go all-online (Outside Inside Lands streamed on Twitch this year, and Glastonbury’s Shangri La went virtual as Lost Horizon), but virtual Burning Man certainly raised the bar for sheer size and audacity. Sure, there were performances, but Burning Man and events like it are about exploring places, art, and people. It’s close, but not there yet for me.

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17 Sep 2020

Dope Outdoor Art Walks & Eats in San Francisco

I know that the air is unhealthy, the pandemic is deadly, and the only thing we’re missing seems to be the streets turning to lava.  But it’s fall in San Francisco goddammit, that’s OUR summertime, that’s outdoor beer and wine, that’s renegade parties in the park, that’s making several Halloween

13 Aug 2020

The Second Year in San Francisco 

I did not fall in love with San Francisco instantly. It never asked me to. It did not make me feel like my presence necessitated justification. 

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30 Jul 2020

Cain Caught Covid at Trump Tulsa Rally, & Now He’s Dead

RIP Herman Cain.  The former Republican presidential candidate and pizza CEO, died this week due to complications from COVID 19.  The virus that he clearly caught while attending Trump’s ‘super spreader’ Tulsa rally in late June.  The rally was widely regarded as a massive failure due to its attendance of

02 Jul 2020

The Hidden Time Capsules All Around San Francisco

There are many time capsules buried around San Francisco containing everything from newspaper clippings to bottles of Anchor Steam beer.   The oldest SF time capsule is from 1865, and it was only unearthed in 2001.  Bellow we discuss the contents, discoveries and dates of several capsules that have found in

12 Jun 2020

National Dive Bar Day is Coming Up and I Want to Mail You a Postcard!

Here’s the short explanation: If you join the Broke-Ass Stuart Patreon at $6 a month or above, I’ll send you silly and ridiculous postcards during the year. Examples of these are peppered throughout this article. Now the longer, funnier version: Remember back in December when I sent out the incredibly

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