04 Apr 2023

Why Downtown SF’s Decline Feels Like Karma

It’s not a secret that San Francisco sacrificed nearly everything for tech. There were tax breaks for companies like Twitter in an attempt to “revitalize” the Tenderloin/Mid-Market area, but there was little local intervention when landlords increased rent prices to levels even six figure earners couldn’t afford in historically low

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
A hand with a ring.
03 Apr 2023

San Francisco’s Downtown And Middle Earth Might Be Saved In The Same Way

On the first day of April — and not as a gag or trick — the San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial board gave readers a look of what might be to come for the Paris of the West. A budget deficit of $728 million, low transit use, and red tape mummifying

22 Feb 2023

California Says It Can No Longer Afford Aid for Covid Testing & Vaccinations for Migrants

by Don Thompson All day and sometimes into the night, buses and vans pull up to three state-funded medical screening centers near California’s southern border with Mexico. Federal immigration officers unload migrants predominantly from Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, and Peru, most of whom await asylum hearings in the United States. Once

Guest Writer 0
01 Feb 2023

Long COVID and the Journey Back

by Matt Barkin I spent most of the pandemic sick and rotting away in bed. It became my all-purpose piece of furniture. If you watched a sped up version of that time you’d see me there windmilling my arms around like a madman between my computer, phone, books, plates of

Guest Writer 0
24 Jan 2023

PianoFight SF to Permanently Close

“Of course it’s sad to close,” says Executive Director Dan Williams. “But we’re so grateful and so proud of what we’ve been able to do.”  On March 18th, PianoFight SF will permanently close. The venue has hosted 6,702 performances since it opened in 2014 at 144 Taylor Street in the

Jake Warren 0
13 Dec 2022

Can The Drought Teach Us About San Francisco’s Housing Crisis?

I’m sure you’ve seen the weather lately. It’s been raining on and off since mid-November. Soaking rains washed over the Bay Area these past couple weekends, reminiscent of wet seasons past. Forecasters say another storm system should move in this Friday. It is hoped this seemingly plentiful rainfall will reduce

Jake Warren 0
16 Nov 2022

I Need To Get Real With You for A Minute

I get that this is the cost of doing business, but the flip side is that nearly all media, from music to writing to photography, is now expected to be free. The traditional business model has failed, and the only sustainable one going forward is for readers to support the publications they love and rely on.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
09 Nov 2022

The Second Dot-com Bubble Is Bursting

“Irrational exuberance” Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan first uttered the phrase in 1996, describing what he considered an alarming economic trend. The rise of home internet usage was spurring several investors to stake digital claims like an online Oklahoma land run. Tech companies sprang up overnight, each hoping to

Jake Warren 0